Britannica Money

Miura Baien

Japanese economist and philosopher
Also known as: Miura Susumu
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original name:
Miura Susumu
Sept. 1, 1723, Tominaga, Bungo province [modern Ōita prefecture], Japan
April 9, 1789, Tominaga (aged 65)

Miura Baien (born Sept. 1, 1723, Tominaga, Bungo province [modern Ōita prefecture], Japan—died April 9, 1789, Tominaga) was a Japanese economist and Confucianist philosopher during the Tokugawa period (1603–1867). He formulated the jōrigaku (“rationalist studies”) doctrine, which was a precursor to modern scientific and philosophical thought in Japan.

Although schooled in the Chinese Classics, Miura studied scientific methods of approaching physics, medicine, and economics. Influenced by Western ideology, he wrote Kagen (“Source of Value”), discussing wealth and poverty, and his key philosophical works, Gengo (“Abstruse Language”), Zeigo (“Superfluous Language”), and Kango (“High-flown Language”), in which he appealed to reason and nature, rather than written doctrine or tradition, as the sources of knowledge. He opposed the Buddhist view of emptiness and preferred a dynamic eternal universe in which death is organic change but not extinction. His traditional views of religion and authority were evident in Samidare-shō (“Early Summer Rain Collection”), a book criticizing Christianity while advocating loyalty to a supreme being. Miura’s works in Japanese were collected in Baien zenshū, 2 vol. (1912; “Collected Works of Baien”).

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