Primary Results

August 11, 2007: Iowa Republican Straw Poll

  • Mitt Romney 4,516 votes
    Mike Huckabee 2,587 votes
    Sam Brownback 2,192 votes
    Tom Tancredo 1,961 votes
    Ron Paul 1,305 votes
    Tommy Thompson 1,039 votes
    Fred Thompson 203 votes
    Rudy Giuliani 183 votes
    Duncan Hunter 174 votes
    John McCain 101 votes
    John Cox 41

Note: Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, and Fred Thompson did not contest the poll.

Source: CNN.

January 3, 2008: The Iowa Caucuses

Iowa Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 38%
    John Edwards 30%
    Hillary Clinton 29%
    Bill Richardson 2%
    Joe Biden 1%
Iowa Republican Caucus
  • Mike Huckabee 34%
    Mitt Romney 25%
    Fred Thompson 13%
    John McCain 13%
    Ron Paul 10%
    Rudy Giuliani 4%
    Duncan Hunter 1%

January 5: Wyoming Republican Caucus

  • Mitt Romney 8 delegates
    Fred Thompson 3 delegates
    Duncan Hunter 1 delegate

January 8: The New Hampshire Primaries

New Hampshire Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 39%
    Barack Obama 37%
    John Edwards 17%
    Bill Richardson 5%
    Dennis Kucinich 1%
    Others <1%
New Hampshire Republican Primary
  • John McCain 37%
    Mitt Romney 32%
    Mike Huckabee 11%
    Rudy Giuliani 9%
    Ron Paul 8%
    Fred Thompson 1%
    Duncan Hunter <1%

January 15: The Michigan Primaries

Michigan Republican Primary
  • Mitt Romney 39%
    John McCain 30%
    Mike Huckabee 16%
    Ron Paul 6%
    Fred Thompson 4%
    Rudy Giuliani 3%
    Uncommitted 2%
    Duncan Hunter <1%
Michigan Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 55%
    Uncommitted 40%
    Dennis Kucinich 4%
    Chris Dodd 1%
    Mike Gravel <1%

Note: Michigan initially was stripped of its Democratic delegates to the national convention because its primary was held outside the approved timetable of the Democratic National Committee. Barack Obama and John Edwards were not on the Michigan Democratic ballot. The Democratic National Committee’s Rules Committee later restored Michigan’s delegates and split them 69 for Clinton and 63 for Obama; each delegate would receive only a half vote at the national convention.

January 19: The Nevada Caucuses and South Carolina Republican Primary

South Carolina Republican Primary
  • John McCain 33%
    Mike Huckabee 30%
    Fred Thompson 16%
    Mitt Romney 15%
    Ron Paul 4%
    Rudy Giuliani 2%
    Duncan Hunter < 1%
Nevada Democratic Caucus
  • Hillary Clinton 51%
    Barack Obama 45%
    John Edwards 4%
Nevada Republican Caucus
  • Mitt Romney 51%
    Ron Paul 14%
    John McCain 13%
    Mike Huckabee 8%
    Fred Thompson 8%
    Rudy Giuliani 4%
    Duncan Hunter 2%

January 26: The South Carolina Democratic Primary

  • Barack Obama 55%
    Hillary Clinton 27%
    John Edwards 18%

January 29: The Florida Primaries

Florida Republican Primary
  • John McCain 36%
    Mitt Romney 31%
    Rudy Giuliani 15%
    Mike Huckabee 14%
    Ron Paul 3%
Florida Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 50%
    Barack Obama 33%
    John Edwards 14%

Note: Florida initially was stripped of its Democratic delegates to the national convention because its primary was held outside the approved timetable of the Democratic National Committee. The Democratic National Committee’s Rules Committee later restored Florida’s delegates and split them 105 for Clinton and 69 for Obama; each delegate would receive only a half vote at the national convention.

The White House in Washington, D.C., USA. The north portico which faces Pennsylvania Avenue.
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U.S. Presidential History Quiz

February 2: The Maine Republican Caucus

  • Mitt Romney 52%
    John McCain 21%
    Ron Paul 19%
    Mike Huckabee 6%

February 5: Super Tuesday

Alabama Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 56%
    Hillary Clinton 42%
Alabama Republican Primary
  • Mike Huckabee 41%
    John McCain 37%
    Mitt Romney 18%
    Ron Paul 3%
Alaska Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 75%
    Hillary Clinton 25%
Alaska Republican Caucus
  • Mitt Romney 44%
    Mike Huckabee 22%
    Ron Paul 17%
    John McCain 15%
Arizona Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 51%
    Barack Obama 42%
Arizona Republican Primary
  • John McCain 48%
    Mitt Romney 34%
    Mike Huckabee 9%
    Ron Paul 4%
Arkansas Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 70%
    Barack Obama 27%
Arkansas Republican Primary
  • Mike Huckabee 60%
    John McCain 20%
    Mitt Romney 14%
    Ron Paul 5%
California Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 52%
    Barack Obama 42%
California Republican Primary
  • John McCain 42%
    Mitt Romney 34%
    Mike Huckabee 12%
    Ron Paul 4%
Colorado Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 67%
    Hillary Clinton 32%
Colorado Republican Caucus
  • Mitt Romney 60%
    John McCain 19%
    Mike Huckabee 13%
    Ron Paul 8%
Connecticut Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 51%
    Hillary Clinton 47%
Connecticut Republican Primary
  • John McCain 52%
    Mitt Romney 33%
    Mike Huckabee 7%
    Ron Paul 4%
Delaware Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 53%
    Hillary Clinton 43%
Delaware Republican Primary
  • John McCain 45%
    Mitt Romney 33%
    Mike Huckabee 15%
    Ron Paul 4%
Georgia Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 67%
    Hillary Clinton 31%
Georgia Republican Primary
  • Mike Huckabee 34%
    John McCain 32%
    Mitt Romney 30%
    Ron Paul 3%
Idaho Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 79%
    Hillary Clinton 17%
Illinois Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 65%
    Hillary Clinton 33%
Illinois Republican Primary
  • John McCain 47%
    Mitt Romney 29%
    Mike Huckabee 17%
    Ron Paul 5%
Kansas Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 74%
    Hillary Clinton 26%
Massachusetts Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 56%
    Barack Obama 41%
Massachusetts Republican Primary
  • Mitt Romney 51%
    John McCain 41%
    Mike Huckabee 4%
    Ron Paul 3%
Minnesota Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 67%
    Hillary Clinton 32%
Minnesota Republican Primary
  • Mitt Romney 41%
    John McCain 22%
    Mike Huckabee 20%
    Ron Paul 16%
Missouri Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 49%
    Hillary Clinton 48%
Missouri Republican Primary
  • John McCain 33%
    Mike Huckabee 32%
    Mitt Romney 29%
    Ron Paul 4%
Montana Republican Caucus
  • Mitt Romney 38%
    Ron Paul 25%
    John McCain 22%
    Mike Huckabee 15%
New Jersey Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 54%
    Barack Obama 44%
New Jersey Republican Primary
  • John McCain 55%
    Mitt Romney 28%
    Mike Huckabee 8%
    Ron Paul 5%
New Mexico Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 49%
    Barack Obama 48%
New York Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 57%
    Barack Obama 40%
New York Republican Primary
  • John McCain 51%
    Mitt Romney 28%
    Mike Huckabee 11%
    Ron Paul 7%
North Dakota Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 61%
    Hillary Clinton 37%
North Dakota Republican Caucus
  • Mitt Romney 36%
    John McCain 23%
    Ron Paul 21%
    Mike Huckabee 20%
Oklahoma Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 55%
    Barack Obama 31%
Oklahoma Republican Primary
  • John McCain 37%
    Mike Huckabee 33%
    Mitt Romney 25%
    Ron Paul 3%
Tennessee Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 54%
    Barack Obama 41%
Tennessee Republican Primary
  • Mike Huckabee 34%
    John McCain 32%
    Mitt Romney 24%
    Ron Paul 6%
Utah Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 57%
    Hillary Clinton 39%
Utah Republican Primary
  • Mitt Romney 90%
    John McCain 5%
    Ron Paul 3%
    Mike Huckabee 2%
West Virginia Republican Convention
  • Mike Huckabee 52%
    Mitt Romney 47%
    John McCain 1%

February 9

Kansas Republican Caucus
  • Mike Huckabee 60%
    John McCain 24%
    Ron Paul 11%
Louisiana Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 57%
    Hillary Clinton 36%
Louisiana Republican Primary
  • Mike Huckabee 43%
    John McCain 42%
    Ron Paul 5%
Nebraska Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 68%
    Hillary Clinton 32%
Washington Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 68%
    Hillary Clinton 31%
Washington Republican Caucus
  • John McCain 26%
    Mike Huckabee 24%
    Ron Paul 21%

February 10: The Maine Democratic Caucus

  • Barack Obama 59%
    Hillary Clinton 40%

February 12: The “Chesapeake” Primaries

Maryland Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 60%
    Hillary Clinton 37%
Maryland Republican Primary
  • John McCain 55%
    Mike Huckabee 29%
    Ron Paul 6%
Virginia Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 64%
    Hillary Clinton 35%
Virginia Republican Primary
  • John McCain 50%
    Mike Huckabee 41%
    Ron Paul 5%
Washington, D.C., Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 75%
    Hillary Clinton 24%
Washington, D.C., Republican Primary
  • John McCain 68%
    Mike Huckabee 17%
    Ron Paul 8%

February 19

Hawaii Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 76%
    Hillary Clinton 24%
Wisconsin Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 58%
    Hillary Clinton 41%
Wisconsin Republican Primary
  • John McCain 55%
    Mike Huckabee 37%
    Ron Paul 5%

March 4

Ohio Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 54%
    Barack Obama 44%
Ohio Republican Primary
  • John McCain 60%
    Mike Huckabee 31%
    Ron Paul 5%
Rhode Island Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 58%
    Barack Obama 40%
Rhode Island Republican Primary
  • John McCain 65%
    Mike Huckabee 22%
    Ron Paul 7%
Texas Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 51%
    Barack Obama 47%
Texas Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 56%
    Hillary Clinton 44%
Texas Republican Primary
  • John McCain 51%
    Mike Huckabee 38%
    Ron Paul 5%
Vermont Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 60%
    Hillary Clinton 38%
Vermont Republican Primary
  • John McCain 72%
    Mike Huckabee 14%
    Ron Paul 7%

March 8

Wyoming Democratic Caucuses
  • Barack Obama 61%
    Hillary Clinton 38%

March 11

Mississippi Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 61%
    Hillary Clinton 37%
Mississippi Republican Primary
  • John McCain 79%
    Mike Huckabee 12%
    Ron Paul 4%

April 22

Pennsylvania Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 55%
    Barack Obama 45%
Pennsylvania Republican Primary
  • John McCain 72%
    Ron Paul 16%
    Mike Huckabee 11%

May 3

Guam Democratic Caucus
  • Barack Obama 50.1%
    Hillary Clinton 49.9%

May 6

Indiana Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 51%
    Barack Obama 49%
Indiana Republican Primary
  • John McCain 77%
    Mike Huckabee 10%
    Ron Paul 8%
    Mitt Romney 5%
North Carolina Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 56%
    Hillary Clinton 42%
North Carolina Republican Primary
  • John McCain 73%
    Mike Huckabee 12%
    Ron Paul 8%

May 13

West Virginia Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 67%
    Barack Obama 26%
West Virginia Republican Primary
  • John McCain 76%
    Mike Huckabee 10%
    Ron Paul 5%

May 20

Kentucky Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 65%
    Barack Obama 30%
Kentucky Republican Primary
  • John McCain 72%
    Mike Huckabee 8%
    Ron Paul 7%
Oregon Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 58%
    Hillary Clinton 42%
Oregon Republican Primary
  • John McCain 85%
    Ron Paul 15%

June 1

Puerto Rico Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 68%
    Barack Obama 32%

June 3

Montana Democratic Primary
  • Barack Obama 56%
    Hillary Clinton 42%
New Mexico Republican Primary
  • John McCain 86%
    Ron Paul 14%
South Dakota Democratic Primary
  • Hillary Clinton 55%
    Barack Obama 45%
South Dakota Republican Primary
  • John McCain 70%
    Ron Paul 17%
    Mike Huckabee 7%

Campaign 2004: A Look Back

The following account, by David C. Beckwith, Vice President of the National Cable Television Association, originally appeared in the Britannica Book of the Year (2005).

When a U.S. president seeks reelection, the outcome is usually decisive. A consensus emerges on whether the incumbent deserves to be kept on, and the sitting president is either dismissed or, more often, reelected—and by a substantial margin. Incumbent George W. Bush, however, won a second term in 2004 over Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts by 3.3 million votes, with the narrowest popular-ballot percentage of any incumbent since 1916, in an election that was remarkable for an extremely polarized electorate, unprecedented spending, and high voter turnout.

As the year began, former Vermont governor Howard Dean was the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, but he faded rapidly, in part because some party leaders thought he was too liberal to defeat a wartime president. Dean was knocked out in the first major event, the January 19 Iowa caucuses. Dean fielded thousands of volunteer workers nationwide but finished with only 18% of the caucus vote, compared with 32% for first-term Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina and 38% for Kerry. Dean sealed his fate that evening, capping a defiant address to a raucous crowd of supporters with a primal yell in what became known as the “I Have a Scream” speech.

Kerry went on to win all but three Democratic primaries, sewing up the nomination by mid-March. He eventually selected as his running mate rival Edwards, a former trial lawyer who had gained good reviews for his populist “two Americas” message. Early on, independent candidate Ralph Nader appeared poised again to be a spoiler, but Democrats successfully kept him off the general-election ballot in 16 states.

The president’s reelection strategy was overseen by Karl Rove, a canny longtime Bush aide from Texas. Bush pointed to significant domestic accomplishments during his first term: a major tax reduction, prescription-drug assistance for seniors, an expansion of federal assistance to public schools, and a real if less-than-robust recovery from the 2001 recession. In contrast to Kerry, Bush also endorsed a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, which energized religious and conservative voters.

Kerry faulted the administration’s health and education spending records as puny, vowed to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans to finance a more muscular expansion, and taunted Bush repeatedly as the first president since Herbert Hoover to preside over a net loss of jobs during his term.

The central campaign issue was Bush’s response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, an aggressive approach that split the country virtually down the middle. Bush claimed the strategy was working and promised continuity. Kerry’s position was critical of Bush and more nuanced.

Kerry had been launched into politics by his opposition to the Vietnam War in the early 1970s. As a U.S. senator, he had voted against the 1991 Gulf War, for the resolution authorizing the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, but against an appropriation bill funding Iraq’s occupation and rebuilding. At one point, attempting to explain, he noted that he had voted both for and against that funding bill—playing into Bush campaign charges that Kerry was an inveterate “flip-flopper.”

Many of his supporters opposed the Iraq incursion, but a majority of Americans favoured tough antiterrorism policies, so Kerry walked a narrow ledge. His campaign settled on a strategy: Kerry would underscore his decorated 1968–69 service as a navy lieutenant in Vietnam, background that contrasted favourably with President Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard, to demonstrate that Kerry had superior qualifications to be in charge during perilous times.

The late July Democratic convention in Boston became a paean to Kerry’s role in Vietnam. Kerry traveled accompanied by his “band of brothers,” shipmates from his Vietnam experience. As he strode on stage to accept the nomination, Kerry saluted and said, “I’m John Kerry, and I’m reporting for duty.”

In early August, as Kerry nursed a small lead in public opinion polls, a new ad-hoc group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, composed of navy officers who had also served in Vietnam, produced anti-Kerry television ads in three states. The commercials challenged Kerry’s account of his medal-winning experiences and blasted his later antiwar activism as disloyalty to his comrades in arms. Many major news outlets were slow to cover the Swift Boaters, but conservative Internet “bloggers,” writers of so-called Web logs, helped whip up attention to their claims.

This was the first election contested under the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign-finance-reform legislation designed to reduce the role of money in politics. The law made “soft-money” contributions from corporations and unions to party organizations illegal but opened the door to “527” groups such as the Swift Boaters operating independently of the campaign. By one estimate total election spending increased by nearly a third, to $3.9 billion, since 2000. Democratic-oriented groups were far quicker to organize under the new rules, and 527s poured about $400 million into the race, helping Democrats overcome a marked Republican-funding advantage.

By late August, when Republicans gathered in New York City for their convention, Bush had regained a significant polling lead. Moderate Republican stars, including California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, and disaffected Democrats such as U.S. Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia, extolled Bush’s conduct of the war on terrorism and attacked Kerry’s leadership ability.

Kerry’s campaign floundered under the assault, and Bush seemed headed to a comfortable victory—until the two candidates met on September 30 in Miami, Fla., for the first of three debates. Bush’s aides had insisted that the first debate cover foreign policy, thought to be Bush’s strong suit. The strategy backfired when Bush appeared on the defensive, finding it difficult to explain his positions and often repeating himself. Of the war on terrorism, Bush said some version of “It’s hard work” on 11 occasions. Kerry, by contrast, spoke smoothly and authoritatively and, for the first time, emerged as a plausible alternative.

Within days Bush’s lead had almost entirely evaporated. The two candidates spent the final campaign weeks fighting in 14 “battleground” states, with imperceptible movement in the polls. Bush stepped up his game markedly in the second and third debates and thereby halted his slide in the polls and stabilized the race. Potential voters in the 14 battlegrounds were bombarded with repeated candidate visits, saturation media advertising, and multiple phone calls and mail from both campaigns and allied groups.

To all indications the country was heading toward a second consecutive 50–50 election, and both sides moved in the final days to turn out their voters. Kerry’s operation, aided significantly by 527s such as America Coming Together, used a small army of paid staffers to register new voters, identify sympathizers, and get them to the polls. Bush’s campaign was more centralized, relying heavily on volunteers who worked their own neighbourhoods to identify and turn out Republican voters.

Of the most closely watched battlegrounds, Pennsylvania went to Kerry by a small but comfortable margin. Florida, well organized by Gov. Jeb Bush, the president’s brother, went clearly for the incumbent. That left Ohio, ordinarily GOP-leaning but hard hit by manufacturing job losses, as the decisive major swing state. Shortly after midnight it appeared that Ohio belonged to Bush by about 135,000 votes—but tens of thousands of “provisional ballots” cast by voters whose registration was in question made the results “within the margin of litigation.” As most voters went to bed, it appeared possible the election would again be decided only after court battles. By Wednesday morning, however, the Bush advantage appeared insurmountable, and Kerry delivered a gracious concession speech.

Political maps again popularized the terms “red states” for Republicans and “blue states” for Democrats. Only three states switched colour from 2000 to 2004: New Hampshire went from red to blue, and Iowa and New Mexico shifted from blue to red. Bush won 8 of the 14 battleground states. Nader, whose 2.9 million votes in 2000 might have cost Democrat Al Gore the race, was not a factor in 2004.

In the end Kerry and allies were wildly successful in turning out voters to oppose Bush. The Democrat won 57.3 million votes, nearly 7 million more than Gore in 2000 and significantly more than any previous presidential candidate of either party in U.S. history. Nonetheless, Kerry received only 48% of the vote; it was the seventh consecutive presidential election in which the Democratic candidate had failed to top 50%.

The GOP turnout effort was even better. Targeting infrequent voters in suburban, exurban, and rural areas, Bush attracted 60.6 million votes, some 10.2 million more than he had earned in 2000, a 51% share of the electorate. The 120.3 million total votes was nearly 15 million more than in 2000. Bush’s margin of victory, while narrow in a reelection contest, was larger than predicted by public opinion polls.

In another unusual result, the incumbent’s party added seats in both houses of Congress, increasing the number of Republican U.S. senators from 51 to 55. Bush had surprised many analysts by pursuing an aggressive agenda following his narrow 2000 win. At year’s end Bush reshuffled his cabinet, replacing 9 of its 15 members, and again claimed a mandate for an activist agenda, including self-sustaining private accounts in social security, reform of the income-tax system, and staying the course in Iraq.

Historical Election Results

Electoral college and popular vote results in U.S. elections are provided in the table.

U.S. presidential election results
year candidate political party electoral votes1 popular votes2 popular percentage3
1In elections from 1789 to 1804, each elector voted for two individuals without indicating which was to be president and which was to be vice president.
2In early elections, electors were chosen by legislatures, not by popular vote, in many states.
3Candidates winning no electoral votes and less than 2 percent of the popular vote are excluded; percentages may not add up to 100 percent because of rounding.
4Washington was unopposed for president in 1789 and 1792.
5Because the two houses of the New York legislature could not agree on electors, the state did not cast its electoral votes. North Carolina and Rhode Island had not yet ratified the Constitution.
6As both Jefferson and Burr received the same number of electoral votes, the decision was referred to the House of Representatives. The Twelfth Amendment (1804) provided that electors cast separate ballots for president and vice president.
7As no candidate received a majority of the electoral votes, the decision was made by the House of Representatives.
8Greeley died shortly after the election in November. Three electors pledged to Greeley cast their votes for him, but they were not counted; the others cast their votes for the other candidates listed.
9Includes a variety of joint tickets with People's Party electors committed to Bryan.
10One Gore elector from Washington, D.C., abstained from casting an electoral vote.
Sources: Electoral and popular vote totals based on data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives; the United States Office of the Federal Register; the Federal Election Commission; Congressional Quarterly's Guide to U.S. Elections, 4th ed. (2001); and the official certified state vote totals.


George Washington 4 no formally organized parties 695
John Adams 34
John Jay 9
R.H. Harrison 6
John Rutledge 6
John Hancock 4
George Clinton 3
Samuel Huntington 2
John Milton 2
James Armstrong 1
Benjamin Lincoln 1
Edward Telfair 1
not voted 44


George Washington 4 Federalist 132
John Adams Federalist 77
George Clinton Democratic-Republican 50
Thomas Jefferson 4
Aaron Burr 1


John Adams Federalist 71
Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican 68
Thomas Pinckney Federalist 59
Aaron Burr Antifederalist 30
Samuel Adams Democratic-Republican 15
Oliver Ellsworth Federalist 11
George Clinton Democratic-Republican 7
John Jay Independent-Federalist 5
James Iredell Federalist 3
George Washington Federalist 2
John Henry Independent 2
S. Johnston Independent-Federalist 2
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Independent-Federalist 1


Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican 736
Aaron Burr Democratic-Republican 736
John Adams Federalist 65
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Federalist 64
John Jay Federalist 1


Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican 162
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Federalist 14


James Madison Democratic-Republican 122
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Federalist 47
George Clinton Independent-Republican 6
not voted 1


James Madison Democratic-Republican 128
DeWitt Clinton Fusion 89
not voted 1


James Monroe Democratic-Republican 183
Rufus King Federalist 34
not voted 4


James Monroe Democratic-Republican 231
John Quincy Adams Independent-Republican 1
not voted 3


John Quincy Adams no distinct party designations 847 108,740 30.9
Andrew Jackson 99 153,544 41.3
Henry Clay 37 47,531 13.0
William H. Crawford 41 40,856 11.2


Andrew Jackson Democratic 178 647,286 56.0
John Quincy Adams National Republican 83 508,064 43.6


Andrew Jackson Democratic 219 687,502 54.2
Henry Clay National Republican 49 530,189 37.4
William Wirt Anti-Masonic 7 100,715 7.8
John Floyd Nullifiers 11
not voted 2


Martin Van Buren Democratic 170 762,678 50.8
William Henry Harrison Whig 73 550,816 36.6
Hugh L. White Whig 26 146,107 9.7
Daniel Webster Whig 14 41,201 2.7
W.P. Mangum Anti-Jackson 11


William Henry Harrison Whig 234 1,275,016 52.9
Martin Van Buren Democratic 60 1,129,102 46.8


James K. Polk Democratic 170 1,337,243 49.5
Henry Clay Whig 105 1,299,062 48.1
James Gillespie Birney Liberty 62,103 2.3


Zachary Taylor Whig 163 1,360,099 47.3
Lewis Cass Democratic 127 1,220,544 42.5
Martin Van Buren Free Soil 291,501 10.1


Franklin Pierce Democratic 254 1,601,274 50.8
Winfield Scott Whig 42 1,386,580 43.9
John Parker Hale Free Soil 155,210 4.9


James Buchanan Democratic 174 1,838,169 45.3
John C. Frémont Republican 114 1,341,264 33.1
Millard Fillmore American (Know-Nothing) 8 873,053 21.5


Abraham Lincoln Republican 180 1,866,452 39.9
John C. Breckinridge Southern Democratic 72 847,953 18.1
Stephen A. Douglas Democratic 12 1,380,202 29.5
John Bell Constitutional Union 39 590,901 12.6


Abraham Lincoln Republican 212 2,213,665 55.0
George B. McClellan Democratic 21 1,805,237 45.0
not voted 81


Ulysses S. Grant Republican 214 3,012,833 52.7
Horatio Seymour Democratic 80 2,703,249 47.3
not voted 23


Ulysses S. Grant Republican 286 3,597,132 55.6
Horace Greeley 8 Democratic/Liberal Republican 2,834,125 43.8
Thomas A. Hendricks Independent-Democratic 42
B. Gratz Brown Democratic 18
Charles J. Jenkins Democratic 2
David Davis Democratic 1
not voted 17


Rutherford B. Hayes Republican 185 4,036,298 48.0
Samuel J. Tilden Democratic 184 4,300,590 51.0


James A. Garfield Republican 214 4,454,416 48.3
Winfield Scott Hancock Democratic 155 4,444,952 48.2
James B. Weaver Greenback 305,997 3.3


Grover Cleveland Democratic 219 4,874,986 48.5
James G. Blaine Republican 182 4,851,981 48.3


Benjamin Harrison Republican 233 5,439,853 47.8
Grover Cleveland Democratic 168 5,540,309 48.6
Clinton B. Fisk Prohibition 249,819 2.2


Grover Cleveland Democratic 277 5,556,918 46.1
Benjamin Harrison Republican 145 5,176,108 43.0
James B. Weaver People's (Populist) 22 1,027,329 8.5
John Bidwell Prohibition 270,770 2.2


William McKinley Republican 271 7,104,779 51.0
William Jennings Bryan Democratic 9 176 6,502,925 46.7


William McKinley Republican 292 7,207,923 51.7
William Jennings Bryan Democratic 9 155 6,358,133 45.5


Theodore Roosevelt Republican 336 7,623,486 56.4
Alton B. Parker Democratic 140 5,077,911 37.6
Eugene V. Debs Socialist 402,489 3.0


William Howard Taft Republican 321 7,678,908 51.6
William Jennings Bryan Democratic 162 6,409,104 43.0
Eugene V. Debs Socialist 420,380 2.8


Woodrow Wilson Democratic 435 6,293,454 41.8
Theodore Roosevelt Progressive (Bull Moose) 88 4,119,207 27.4
William Howard Taft Republican 8 3,483,922 23.2
Eugene V. Debs Socialist 900,369 6.0


Woodrow Wilson Democratic 277 9,129,606 49.2
Charles Evans Hughes Republican 254 8,538,221 46.1
Allan L. Benson Socialist 589,924 3.2


Warren G. Harding Republican 404 16,147,249 60.3
James M. Cox Democratic 127 9,140,864 34.1
Eugene V. Debs Socialist 897,704 3.4


Calvin Coolidge Republican 382 15,725,016 54.1
John W. Davis Democratic 136 8,386,503 28.8
Robert M. La Follette Progressive 13 4,822,856 16.6


Herbert Hoover Republican 444 21,392,190 58.0
Alfred E. Smith Democratic 87 15,016,443 40.7


Franklin D. Roosevelt Democratic 472 22,821,857 57.3
Herbert Hoover Republican 59 15,761,841 39.6
Norman Thomas Socialist 884,781 2.2


Franklin D. Roosevelt Democratic 523 27,476,673 60.2
Alfred M. Landon Republican 8 16,679,583 36.5


Franklin D. Roosevelt Democratic 449 27,243,466 54.7
Wendell L. Willkie Republican 82 22,304,755 44.8


Franklin D. Roosevelt Democratic 432 25,602,505 53.3
Thomas E. Dewey Republican 99 22,006,278 45.8


Harry S. Truman Democratic 303 24,105,695 49.4
Thomas E. Dewey Republican 189 21,969,170 45.0
Strom Thurmond States' Rights Democratic (Dixiecrat) 39 1,169,021 2.4
Henry A. Wallace Progressive 1,156,103 2.4


Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican 442 33,778,963 54.9
Adlai E. Stevenson Democratic 89 27,314,992 44.4


Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican 457 35,581,003 57.4
Adlai E. Stevenson Democratic 73 25,738,765 42.0
Walter Jones not a candidate 1


John F. Kennedy Democratic 303 34,227,096 49.7
Richard M. Nixon Republican 219 34,107,646 49.5
Harry F. Byrd not a candidate 15


Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic 486 42,825,463 61.1
Barry M. Goldwater Republican 52 27,146,969 38.5


Richard M. Nixon Republican 301 31,710,470 43.4
Hubert H. Humphrey Democratic 191 30,898,055 42.7
George C. Wallace American Independent 46 9,906,473 13.5


Richard M. Nixon Republican 520 46,740,323 60.7
George S. McGovern Democratic 17 28,901,598 37.5
John Hospers Libertarian 1 3,673 <0.1


Jimmy Carter Democratic 297 40,825,839 50.0
Gerald R. Ford Republican 240 39,147,770 48.0
Ronald W. Reagan not a candidate 1


Ronald W. Reagan Republican 489 43,642,639 50.4
Jimmy Carter Democratic 49 35,480,948 41.0
John B. Anderson Independent 5,719,437 6.6


Ronald W. Reagan Republican 525 54,455,075 58.8
Walter F. Mondale Democratic 13 37,577,185 40.6


George H.W. Bush Republican 426 48,886,097 53.4
Michael S. Dukakis Democratic 111 41,809,074 45.7
Lloyd Bentsen not a candidate 1


Bill Clinton Democratic 370 44,909,889 43.0
George Bush Republican 168 39,104,545 37.4
Ross Perot Independent 19,742,267 18.9


Bill Clinton Democratic 379 47,402,357 49.2
Bob Dole Republican 159 39,198,755 40.7
Ross Perot Reform 8,085,402 8.4


George W. Bush Republican 271 50,456,002 47.9
Al Gore Democratic 26610 50,999,897 48.4
Ralph Nader Green 2,882,955 2.7


George W. Bush Republican 286 62,028,285 50.7
John Kerry Democratic 251 59,028,109 48.3
John Edwards not a candidate 1


Barack Obama Democratic 365 69,456,000 52.9
John McCain Republican 173 59,934,000 45.7


Barack Obama Democratic 332 65,446,032 50.9
Mitt Romney Republican 206 60,589,084 47.1


Donald Trump Republican 304 62,979,636 46.0
Hillary Clinton Democratic 227 65,844,610 48.1
Colin Powell not a candidate 3
Bernie Sanders not a candidate 1
John Kasich not a candidate 1
Ron Paul not a candidate 1
Faith Spotted Eagle not a candidate 1


Joe Biden Democratic 306 81,268,924 51.3
Donald Trump Republican 232 74,216,154 46.9

U.S. Presidents

The political party, terms of office, and birthplaces of the U.S. presidents are provided in the table.

Presidents of the United States
no. president birthplace political party term
*Died in office.
**Resigned from office.
1 George Washington Va. Federalist 1789–97
2 John Adams Mass. Federalist 1797–1801
3 Thomas Jefferson Va. Democratic-Republican 1801–09
4 James Madison Va. Democratic-Republican 1809–17
5 James Monroe Va. Democratic-Republican 1817–25
6 John Quincy Adams Mass. National Republican 1825–29
7 Andrew Jackson S.C. Democratic 1829–37
8 Martin Van Buren N.Y. Democratic 1837–41
9 William Henry Harrison Va. Whig 1841*
10 John Tyler Va. Whig 1841–45
11 James K. Polk N.C. Democratic 1845–49
12 Zachary Taylor Va. Whig 1849–50*
13 Millard Fillmore N.Y. Whig 1850–53
14 Franklin Pierce N.H. Democratic 1853–57
15 James Buchanan Pa. Democratic 1857–61
16 Abraham Lincoln Ky. Republican 1861–65*
17 Andrew Johnson N.C. Democratic (Union) 1865–69
18 Ulysses S. Grant Ohio Republican 1869–77
19 Rutherford B. Hayes Ohio Republican 1877–81
20 James A. Garfield Ohio Republican 1881*
21 Chester A. Arthur Vt. Republican 1881–85
22 Grover Cleveland N.J. Democratic 1885–89
23 Benjamin Harrison Ohio Republican 1889–93
24 Grover Cleveland N.J. Democratic 1893–97
25 William McKinley Ohio Republican 1897–1901*
26 Theodore Roosevelt N.Y. Republican 1901–09
27 William Howard Taft Ohio Republican 1909–13
28 Woodrow Wilson Va. Democratic 1913–21
29 Warren G. Harding Ohio Republican 1921–23*
30 Calvin Coolidge Vt. Republican 1923–29
31 Herbert Hoover Iowa Republican 1929–33
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt N.Y. Democratic 1933–45*
33 Harry S. Truman Mo. Democratic 1945–53
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower Texas Republican 1953–61
35 John F. Kennedy Mass. Democratic 1961–63*
36 Lyndon B. Johnson Texas Democratic 1963–69
37 Richard M. Nixon Calif. Republican 1969–74**
38 Gerald R. Ford Neb. Republican 1974–77
39 Jimmy Carter Ga. Democratic 1977–81
40 Ronald Reagan Ill. Republican 1981–89
41 George Bush Mass. Republican 1989–93
42 Bill Clinton Ark. Democratic 1993–2001
43 George W. Bush Conn. Republican 2001–09
44 Barack Obama Hawaii Democratic 2009–17
45 Donald Trump N.Y. Republican 2017–21
46 Joe Biden Pa. Democratic 2021–
This article was most recently revised and updated by Adam Zeidan.